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Mass Times
Monday: 10:00am (Live Broadcast)
Tuesday: 10:00am (Live Broadcast)
Wednesday: 10:00am (Live Broadcast)
Thursday: 10:00am (Live Broadcast)
Friday: 10:00am (Live Broadcast)
(First Fridays of the Month: 10:00am/5:45pm) (Live Broadcast)
Saturday: 10:00am | 5:45pm (Live Broadcast)
Sunday: 10:00am | 11:45am (Live Broadcast)
Filipino Choir sings every Sunday at the 11.45 am
Eucharistic Adoration
We have Adoration each day from Tuesday to Saturday beginning with Morning Prayer at 8:45 a.m. concluding before 10 a.m. Mass. There is also Adoration each Saturday evening starting at 5 p.m until before the 5.45 pm Mass. On the First Friday, Adoration begins at 5.00 p.m. until before the 5.45 pm Mass.

Saturday after 10 AM Mass & from 5 PM - 5.45 PM

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